
What is the Digital Archive Project?
The Digital Archive Project is a community of geeks, videophiles and fans dedicated to preserving the quirky, intellectual television shows that network executives are so fond of axing at the drop of a hat. Embracing the ancient arts of "tape trading," the DAP takes the concept of fans trading material amongst themselves into the digital realm by providing tools and organization to faciliate the digital capture and storage of high quality video archives of television shows that either have been or are in danger of being taken off the air forever. The DAP serves as a meetingplace and matchmaker for people with tapes, people with fast computers and capture/encoding experience, people with mechanisms for file distribution in place, and most importantly, the multitudes of fans who are seeking digital copies of their favorite shows that may otherwise be available nowhere else.

You must register to use this site. It's meant to be a friendly system, download what you want, upload what you can. Starting from zero is no problem. Registration is separate from the main website.

Please take some time to read through the FAQ. We promise most of your questions are answered there.